class Standard . JobController {
int32 firstEntryIndex;
int32 jobsInProgress;
int32 lastEntryIndex;
int32 maxConcurrentJobs;
oid peerRegistry;
string poolServiceName;
array queuedWork;
oid replyObj;
array serverForJob;
int32 serverIdCounter;
assoc serverList;
array serverLoad;
array serverOID;
} inherits from Object;
Provides a service that distributes tasks across a load-balanced pool of servers.
JobController:create(string poolName)
Use the servers in the pool named by poolName.
JobController:queueJob(oid client, any clientInfo, string className, assoc acl, set args)
Queue a work unit. Result returned to client by sending it a jobComplete message and passing it clientInfo and the result of the job.
JobController:returnJobResult(int32 transactionId, any result)
Notes the completion of a queued task.