class Local . ForwardConnection {
array destAddrList;
int32 destinationCount;
string forwardingClassName;
string listenAddress;
oid listenObj;
int32 nextDestIndex;
} inherits from Standard.Object;
This is an experimental class that forwards TCP connections in a round-robin fashion to to a pool of servers.
ForwardConnection:create(string listenAddr, string connAddr1, optional string connAddr2)
See initialize. The forwarding class name is set to ConnectAndForward.
ForwardConnection:initialize(string listenAddr, string connAddr1, optional string connAddr2)
The create method takes a minimum of two arguments. The first argument, listenAddr, specifies the transport address at which a listen port should be created. It is provided to an AcceptConnection object that is created to handle incoming requests. The second and all remaining arguments indicate transport addresses to which new connections should be forwarded.
ForwardConnection:setForwardingClass(string className)
Change name of forwarding class name.
ForwardConnection:connectionAccepted(oid source)
After a new connecion is accepted from a client, a ConnectAndForward object is created to establish a connection to a server and forward any data between the two end points.
ForwardConnection:failedConnection(string destAddr, oid src, int32 tries)
If a ConnectAndForward object fails to establish a connection to a server, it sends a failedConnection message to the associated ForwardConnection object in order to initiate a connection attempt to an alternate server. The transport address of the failed server is provided as destAddr. The object Id of the incoming IOobject object is provided in src. The total number of servers that have been probed is specified in tries.