class Standard . ExecProcess {
oid clientObj;
any extraInfo;
int32 initSteps;
oid lObj;
any pid;
int32 stdDescCount;
array stdDescriptors;
} inherits from Object;
The ExecProcess class interfaces with the ExecProcess service, which is normally implemented by an optional external process. For security reasons, standard FARGOS/VISTA Object Management Environment daemons do not have the ability to directly spawn new processes. Regardless of the native implementation of this facility, ExecProcess provides a uniform and standard interface to such capabilities.
ExecProcess:create(oid notifyObj, array args, optional assoc env, optional any use_hostname, optional any remoteExecService)
The create method takes the following arguments:
ExecProcess:getDescriptor(int32 fd)
The getDescriptor method returns the object Id of the IOobject representing one of the I/O channels between the FARGOS/VISTA OME daemon and the new process. It takes a single argument, whose value can be: