class Standard . HTTP_SSIprocessor {
string defaultErrMess;
set dependsOn;
array ifCond;
set includedFileNames;
string myDir;
int32 nestedIfLevel;
any resultData;
string sizeFmt;
assoc sourceEnv;
string timeFmt;
int32 timeout;
oid urlDirectory;
} inherits from Object;
HTTP Server-Side-Include processing is performed by objects of the class HTTP_SSIprocessor. These objects are created as needed when a server-side-include directive is detected in a file being read by the HTTPdaemon.
HTTP_SSIprocessor:create(oid urlDir, string srcData, assoc env, any urlQuery, any sourcePath)
The create method takes four arguments.
Returns a string containing the dynamically generated data.
Returns an integer value indicating the suggested number of seconds that the dynamically generated document should be cached.
Returns a set listing all of the local files that were included during the processing of include directives. This information can be used to help determine if the contents of this dynamically generated document are no longer valid due to subsequent modifications of an included file.
Returns a set of object Ids corresponding to other included cached documents that are maintained by objects of class HTTPcachedObject or the equivalent. This information can be used to help determine if the contents of this dynamically generated document are no longer valid due to subsequent modifications of an included document, which in turn might have been dynamically generated.