class Standard . PersistenceService {
any dbService;
int32 delay;
set deleteObjs;
assoc externalKeyTable;
assoc objTable;
oid pageInObj;
string serviceName;
oid serviceOID;
oid timerObj;
set updateObjs;
} inherits from Object;
The class PersistenceService implements the standard interface between the class PersistentObject and a remote object database.
PersistenceService:create(optional any qualifiedName)
The optional argument qualifiedName can be used to permit the use of multiple PersistenceService databases. If no qualifiedName is specified, the PersistenceService object is registered as the local well-known service /ObjectPager.
PersistenceService:databaseConnected(any objIDorName)
When an external object database process connects to the local Object Management Environment, it sends the /ObjectPager service a databaseConnected message and passes the object Id or well-known service that denotes the object database.
PersistenceService:makePersistent(oid mgmtOID)
The makePersistent method registers an object with the PersistenceService, which in turn will issue an addNotifyWhenModified request to subscribe to objectModified / objectDeleted notifications.
PersistenceService:disablePersistence(oid mgmtOID)
The disablePersistence method unregisters an object with the PersistenceService, which in turn will issue an removeNotifyWhenModified request to the object.
PersistenceService:objectModified(oid obj)
After a PersistentObject has registered itself with the PersistenceService, it will send objectModified notifications every time it has been modified. Upon receipt of such a notification, the PersistenceService will schedule an update of the object's state in the object database.
PersistenceService:objectDeleted(oid obj)
After a PersistentObject has registered itself with the PersistenceService, it will send objectDeleted notifications when it is deleted. Upon receipt of such a notification, the PersistenceService will remove the record of the object's state in the object database.
PersistenceService:objectFault(oid obj, string methodName, array args, any fromInfo)
The objectFault method handles the reflection of method invocation against a paged-out object. It retrieves the object's contents from the object database and then issues the reflected method invocation.