class Standard . ReplicaClientProxy {
oid clientObj;
int64 issueTime;
int32 lastReq;
int32 localID;
string myOIDname;
set outSet;
array replica;
assoc replicaResponse;
int32 replicaTotal;
int32 retrans;
oid timer;
any validResponse;
int32 validResponseCount;
int32 view;
int32 waitLimit;
} inherits from Object;
An object of ReplicaClientProxy performs the actions required to initiate Byzantine fault-tolerant transactions.
ReplicaClientProxy:create(array replicaList, optional string proxyObjName, optional int32 id)
See initialize.
ReplicaClientProxy:initialize(array replicaList, optional string proxyObjName, optional int32 id)
ReplicaClientProxy:raiseWaitLimit(int32 faultsToInitiallyTolerate)
Transaction results are returned when there are sufficient valid responses. The lower bound is faultLimit + 1 and the upperbound is replicaTotal. Normally, correct results are returned as soon as feasible. This behavior can be altered so that a larger number of verified results will be required before a response is sent back. This will always result in increased latency. If the limit is increased too high and a fault occurs, an unnecessary delay can also be introduced waiting for a correct response that never arrives.
Returns the new limit.
ReplicaClientProxy:setNextRequestID(int32 id)
The Id to be allocated to the next request.