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OIL2 Class Standard.SendMailViaSMTP
class Standard . SendMailViaSMTP {
oid connObj;
string fromAddress;
string fromName;
any mailBody;
any notifyObj;
int32 result;
string smtpAddr;
string subjectText;
oid timerObj;
array toNames;
} inherits from Object;
A convenience class for sending SMTP-based email.
SendMailViaSMTP:create(any fromAddrInfo, array receipients, string subject, any message, optional oid notifyWhenDone, optional string viaPort)
Method Description
The create method takes a minimum of 4 arguments.
- fromAddrInfo
- The email address from which the mail message should appear to
have been sent (e.g., "")
- receipients
- An array of email addresses to which the note should be sent.
Each element of the array is a string corresponding to one user's
email address (e.g., "")
- subject
- The subject of the email note
- message
- The body of the email note, which can be specified as either a string
or a set of strings
- notifyWhenDone
- an optional argument that specifies the object Id of an object
to which a smtpResult message should be sent when the email
note has been sent.
- viaPort
- an optional override of the address used to connect to a SMTP
daemon. By default, this is "tcp:,c"