class Standard . WebDAVresource {
oid collectionObj;
string pageName;
int32 resultCode;
string resultResponse;
any sourceFile;
string thisURL;
oid urlDirectory;
} inherits from ParseParameterFile;
WebDAV-enabled resources have the ability to maintain many additional attributes that are external to the raw data of an HTTP-accessible object. While many of these resources might be maintained by the local file system (such as the time of last modification), advisory locks and other arbitrary properties are not. The class WebDAVresource implements a superclass that all WebDAV-enabled objects utilize to obtain common required functionality.
WebDAVresource:create(oid urlDir, oid parentCollection, string logicalName, any srcFile)
See initialize.
WebDAVresource:initialize(oid urlDir, oid parentCollection, string logicalName, string srcFile)
The argument urlDir provides the object Id of the URLdirectory object associated with the web server. The parentCollection argument specifies the WebDAVcollection object that is the immediate parent of this object. The logical name of the resource is specified as logicalName. The absolute file name of the corresponding file or directory must be specified as srcFile.
Returns the logical page name of a WebDAV resource.