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Garden Stream and Pond with a Torii Waterfall

I relocated a couple of shrubs from alongside my Mom's patio and dug out a pond and stream. The main pond is about 4 feet deep while the upper pond is only about 4 inches deep. The stream is approximately 12 feet long and its primary source of water is from a cascade of water that passes over a paddle wheel. Water also flows into the stream from a deer scarer and the upper pond. The various elements are painted Hunter Green to drastically reduce their visibility from the street.

The torii-like structure at the edge of the main pond is 7 feet tall and can cascades down onto a wooden panel that diverts the water into the pond. All of the water features have individually adjustable flow rates by means of ball valves and there is also a valve dedicated to pumping out the contents of the pond onto the backyard lawn. The 2500 gallons-per-hour waterfall pump has a head lift of 19 feet, so it is able to drive all of the water features with ease.

Stream lighting is provided by an LED rope mounted to the sides of the stream channel. The LED lighting is mounted on the side closest to the patio so as to generate indirect lighting for the viewer inside the screened-in patio.

Stream bed illuminated at night Stream bed illuminated at night
Stream bed illuminated at night Stream bed illuminated at night Stream bed illuminated at night